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Showing posts from February, 2017

16 Best Books of 2016!

Hi, guys! This is very different from my usual blog post format, but I've decided to change it up a bit this time and write about my favorites for 2016. I know it might be a bit too late since we're 13 days into February, but I'm just going to go with it. I just wanted to mention that I have a very peculiar taste in books. My favorite genres are horror, realistic fiction, historical fiction, and supernatural. Also, I've been trying to read more classics lately which has affected some of these choices. I have done reviews on some of these books so I will hyperlink those in the book titles. 16. Crimson Bound By: Rosamund Hodge This book, like Cruel Beauty , is a twist on a fairy tale. In this case, Hodge used the story of Little Red Riding Hood as inspiration. This book has a fairy tale feel but has the energy of an action novel. I really enjoyed reading this book. I have a full, detailed review on this book that I recommend you check out! 15. Cruel Beau...